A recent study, "Adiposity and cancer in the main anatomical sites: a general review of the literature", links overweight and obesity with 11 types of cancer – among others, carcinomas of the ovary, pancreas, breast, kidney, myeloma multiple, stomach and rectum – and with the risk of vascular accidents and other serious diseases such as hypertension, diabetes or renal thrombosis.
Therefore, experts in nutrition point to a balanced diet as the best tool to address the obesity pandemic and its consequences. Good eating habits will help us avoid some of the most frequent problems related to overweight and obesity that harm our health, but also our self-esteem and our social relationships.
Main risks of obesity for health
By way of summary, these would be some of the most prominent and frequent consequences of obesity, although there are many more.
1. Lack of energy. The extra kilos make it harder for us to move, causing fatigue and lack of agility; so a vicious circle is created from which it is difficult to leave: as we want less to go for a walk or exercise, consequently, we lead a more sedentary life and gain weight more easily.
2. Self-esteem and mental health problems. Obesity can cause serious psychological problems in those who suffer from it; since in 80% of cases these people suffer a great loss of self-esteem when having a bad perception of their physical image. It also increases the risk of suffering from a disease that affects our mental health, such as depression or anxiety. These problems, in addition, can lead to a greater weight gain.
3. Type 2 diabetes. According to the Di@bet.es study, 44% of the Spanish population suffering from diabetes is sedentary, while this percentage is 10 points lower among people who do not suffer from this disease. Experts agree that the basis for good control of diabetes is the balance between lifestyle – including regular exercise and healthy eating – and pharmacological treatment. “In fact, a high percentage of people who suffer from this type of diabetes and who are medicated for it, could stop suffering it just by lowering the excess weight; since this type of diabetes is due to poor diet and excess weight, “says Marta Lorenzo.
4. Hypercholesterolemia. It is a silent disease caused by an excess of cholesterol, usually provided through the diet, which accumulates in our arteries and blocks them. “A person who feeds poorly, is overweight and does not exercise, has all the ballots to end up suffering from cardiovascular diseases,” the expert says.
5. Cancer. As we said, there are some cancers closely related to obesity. Specifically, we can highlight the cancers of breast, colon, endometrium and prostate.
6. Stomach ache. Carrying a diet rich in fats, sugars and eating large amounts of food that compromise good digestion can lead to stomach problems such as gastritis, heartburn or heartburn.
7. Back, bones and joints problems. Excess weight exerts a greater pressure on the back, as if we had a backpack on all day, which causes significant back pain and problems in the knees and joints. There is also a greater predisposition to suffer osteoarthritis and arthritis and a greater wear of bones; as well as risk of fractures.
- Lack of energy. The extra kilos make it harder for us to move, causing fatigue and lack of agility; so a vicious circle is created from which it is difficult to leave: as we want less to go for a walk or exercise, consequently, we lead a more sedentary life and gain weight more easily.
- Self-esteem and mental health problems. Obesity can cause serious psychological problems in those who suffer from it; since in 80% of cases these people suffer a great loss of self-esteem when having a bad perception of their physical image. It also increases the risk of suffering from a disease that affects our mental health, such as depression or anxiety. These problems, in addition, can lead to a greater weight gain.
- Diabetes type 2. According to the Di@bet.es study, 44% of the Spanish population suffering from diabetes is sedentary, while this percentage is 10 points lower among people who do not have diabetes this sickness. Experts agree that the basis for good control of diabetes is the balance between lifestyle – including regular exercise and healthy eating – and pharmacological treatment. “In fact, a high percentage of people who suffer from this type of diabetes and who are medicated for it, could stop suffering it just by lowering the excess weight; since this type of diabetes is due to poor diet and excess weight, “says Marta Lorenzo.
- Hypercholesterolemia. It is a silent disease caused by an excess of cholesterol, usually provided through the diet, which accumulates in our arteries and obstructs them. “A person who feeds poorly, is overweight and does not exercise, has all the ballots to end up suffering from cardiovascular diseases,” the expert says.
- Cancer. As we said, there are some cancers closely related to obesity. In particular, we can highlight the cancers of breast, colon, endometrium and prostate.
- Stomach pain. Eating a diet rich in fats, sugars and eating large amounts of food that compromise good digestion can lead to stomach problems such as gastritis, heartburn or heartburn. .
- Back, bones and joints problems. Excess weight exerts a greater pressure on the back, as if we had a backpack on all day, which causes significant back pain and problems in the knees and joints. There is also a greater predisposition to suffer osteoarthritis and arthritis and a greater wear of bones; as well as risk of fractures.
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