Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Together better! A workout routine to get fit with your partner -

Being in love is one of the most beautiful things in the world but what is rumored that “love is fattening” is totally true. Who has not noticed some other michelan after several months matched? When we make life as a couple our routines change. Suddenly, our daily activity is reinvented and instead of going to the gym or going for a run, our plans are to go out to dinner at restaurants or spend the afternoons of film and blanket (and popcorn, let"s say it all). That is why together, inevitably, we began to adopt a quieter routine but, who would not like to feel active again and remove those extra kilos in a fun way?

To begin with, we must leave behind the excuses and find a space in our busy schedules. We know that it is very complicated to adapt the schedules of each one for the work, the children (if you have them), the purchase … For this reason, it is not necessary that you close a fixed time but, simply, find a moment that both come to you well and do not split your routines. Exercising together will help you to disconnect, to feel better with yourself and to relax enough to not argue. Not to mention that getting in shape will help you have sex sessions unforgettable, what else do you need?

We have compiled a series of exercises to establish a routine and motivate you together, are you ready?

We start with stretching!

Like any sport session, yours also requires a previous stretch to avoid injuries (we do not want any to be damaged …). But how can you stretch as a couple? Very easy? You just have to sit facing each other and have one of you put your legs in a V shape, then lower your back to the ground, stretch your trunk and legs and climb up again. Then it will touch the other. Repeat the exercise between 10 and 15 times.

Abdominals for two

Let the rhythm not stop! In an exercise routine, the most difficult thing is always to start, but once you are on the sidewalk, you will see that it is not so bad (especially if you do it together). The abdominal area is key to exercise to notice results. One of our favorite ways to do crunches as a couple is with a ball. Simply, one of you has to stand holding the ball, while the other one is lying on the ground upside down facing the one standing . When you are placed, the person who is lying down makes an abdominal and the other one gives him the ball so that it returns to lower, the next time that it raises it returns it. Do two shifts so that no one is left without practice and repeat the abdominals between 15 and 20 times.

Another option to do sit-ups in pairs is knocking them in reverse while you join your feet. Without taking off your feet you raise your legs upwards and simultaneously you do abdominals. Repeat the movement between 15 and 20 times.

1, 2, 3 … squat!

Squats is another of the exercises that can not be missed in your routine as a couple, as it is suitable for both men and women and will help you exercise the area of ​​glutes and legs. To do it together you simply need to stand facing each other and give your hands, lower your body to the floor by flexing your knees at 90 degrees as if you were going to sit down. Do 2 sets of 15 reps, not worth laughing!

The funniest plate

Once you get to this point, things get complicated … but, restless! It"s nothing you can not do. Surely you have heard about the iron at some other occasion since it is an exercise that will help exercise your entire body, especially the upper train area. Place one in front of the other in iron position with your forearms resting on the floor. Make the iron by raising your body up and give it a slap with the opposite hand to the other. A fun and entertaining way to do the exercise You can perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions.

And finally …!

We"re almost finished … do not panic! To end this session of training as a couple the push-ups is the ideal exercise, although it is a little different from the traditional one. To do it one will start standing while the other will be lying on his back. Very carefully, the one who is standing has to let his body fall on the one that is lying down while he is holding the weight of the other with his arms flexed. Repeat the movement 10 times and take turns so that both of you are in the two positions.

Of course, if you do not have a partner these exercises can be done with a friend or training companion and we assure you that the sessions will be fun.

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