Wednesday, 9 January 2019

How many calories should I eat to lose weight? - The NY Journal

To lose weight it is important to know how many calories you should consume while still feeling healthy

How many calories should I eat to lose weight?

Photo: shutterstock

To lose weight it is not enough to exercise, you must also control the amount of calories that you consume daily. And for this, you must take into account factors such as weight, height and daily activities.

How many calories should you consume?

To know with certainty how many calories you should consume to lose weight, it is important that you take into account factors such as your weight, your height and even your metabolism. Age and the activities you do also influence.

A person with an average age of 35 years, measuring about 5"6 feet tall and weighing about 240 pounds, should consume an average of 2476 calories a day to maintain their current weight.

Experts recommend that, in the case of women, they should not consume less than 1200 calories per day; men, on the other hand, should not reduce their calorie intake below 1800, since this represents a danger to health.

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Photo: Shuttersock

How to control calories

Before starting a low-calorie diet, it is important to consult with a nutritionist to help you organize a calorie count. This count will help you control what you eat.

To control calories, it is necessary to record what you eat. In this way you can make a balance of the calories consumed and those that you have left to consume. You can keep this record using a notebook, or download applications that facilitate this task.

How to assert calories

Controlling calories also means enforcing them, that is, making the most of food groups so that you can lose weight . To achieve this, follow these tips:

  • Do not discard proteins : the mistake of many when it comes to starting a diet is to consume little or no protein. However, these help speed up the metabolism and also decrease the craving for food. Among the sources of protein you can consume are eggs, fish, beans, nuts and lean meats. So include protein in one of your daily meals.

  • Avoid junk food : While it is not bad to eat these types of foods from time to time, keep in mind that these contain what experts call empty calories, that is, calories that They do not add anything to you, and may increase your appetite. That"s why you must eliminate them from your eating habits.

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Photo: Shutterstock

  • Control carbohydrate intake : Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex carbohydrates. The second group are the healthiest, and among them are vegetables, whole grains and tubers such as potatoes. The simple ones are those found in refined and processed foods such as sugars, white rice and white bread and packaged products, so you should consume these products in moderation.

  • Get hydrated : Drinking water will also help burn calories. Of course, avoid sugary and carbonated drinks.

By taking into account these suggestions, plus those given by your nutritionist, you can lose weight safely and quickly. So avoid express diets, eat healthy, exercise, and enjoy your life to the fullest.

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